2005-Nov 27Sunday


2005年11月27日23:31  未分类 一条评论哦 || 1 Comment

Hello all:
These requests have been proceed:
Sabadell, Spain
Guimaraes, Portugal
Paris, France
And following request has not been proceed:
Argentina, Bs. As. Ramos Mej铆a
[Please give the full name of your location, and please do not use non-eng code.]
And following 7Timer! has been modify:
Tupancireta, Brazil
Enjoy your day,

2005-Nov 13Sunday


2005年11月13日23:16  未分类 评论/Comment.

Now following requests have been proceed.

Guaynabo, USA
Perth, UK
Zurich, Switzerland
Harestua Solar Obs. Norway
Frankfurt, Germany
Herrliberg, Switzerland
Tupancireta, Brazil

Finally have to process. These days I spent all my free time to NEAT archives, so I don’t have time to upgrade the website, improve the model, etc.
1. For the user from Switzerland, who request Zurich and Herrliberg, please note that the long/lati are the same, so you won’t see anything different from the two sites’ 7Timer!.
2. For the user from Norway, please note that transparency for daytime might be unaccurate.
[For requests from China] 上海和柳州都已经存在相应的7Timer!了,其中上海的申请已经在“上海市”7Timer!的覆盖范围以内。
Happy using,

Note: The next update will be on Nov.27, 2005.

2005-Nov 11Friday

7Timer! recovered.

2005年11月11日20:35  7Timer! 评论/Comment.

Now the process has begun, it may took 3-4 hour to complete it.

2005-Nov 11Friday

Service will be available tonight

2005年11月11日18:42  7Timer! 评论/Comment.

Hello all,
I found the problem — NCEP has change the format of naming the data files. So I’ve ask Zuqiang to modify the command files. So the service should again be available tonight (CST — about 14-15 UT), if not, it will be available tomorrow.
Thank you for your understanding,

2005-Nov 11Friday


2005年11月11日13:32  未分类 评论/Comment.

[新彗星]林肯近地小行星搜索计划在9月17日发现的2005 SD被证实是彗星,正式命名为C/2005 SD (LINEAR)。随后,克里斯坦森在10月22日报告的彗星也和洛韦尔近地天体搜索计划在9月11日发现的小行星是同一个目标,编号为P/2005 RV25 (LEONEOS-Christensen)。布罗敦在10月9日报告了一颗新彗星,随后被命名为P/2005 T5 (Broughton)。布罗敦是一名业余天文爱好者。随后,基特峰国家天文台的里德发现P/2005 U1 (Read),夏威夷的贝纳迪用3.6米镜发现P/2005 V1 (Bernardi)
[SOHO彗星]苏华/2005 Q8, 2005 R5-7, 2005 S5-7, 2005 S9, 2005 S11;S.Farmer/2005 Q7, 2005 Q9;周波/2005 Q10;陈韬/2005 S11;叶泉志/2005 S8。以上都是克鲁兹族,另有苏华的2005 Q8是梅耶族。

2005-Nov 11Friday

Service temporary down

2005年11月11日12:53  7Timer! 评论/Comment.

Hello all,
Just then the server master mailed me and told me the server is not good at the moment, and I found 7Timer! has been down for several days.
I apologize to all the users, but please wait patiently at the moment, as I don’t know when can the server recovered from the problem. The server master told me he is trying to fix the problem by moving all the files to a new server.
Best regards,


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