2008-Feb 11Monday

好暗的彗星哪…… R滤镜的图还有一张给一颗星挡到了,处理来处理去都没法叠起来,最后只好舍掉那张图不要,Grrr…. 真想把那个星从宇宙中挖掉……
2007-Nov 3Saturday
Further 17P images

Holmes is quite easy to see now… a pretty nice “ball” in Persius. Spotted it with ease on Octo. 30. However I’ve use the 41-cm telescope at Lulin Observatory to take some further images of this comet, plus a very early image from Octo. 24/25. Note the jets!
2007-Oct 28Sunday
Comet Holmes on Oct. 27/28

Comet Holmes seems to stop exploding. The brightness didn’t went up in the past 48 hours and the coma kept growing. On the image of Oct. 27/28, I estimated the coma diameter is about 330″ or 5.5′. The jets were also slightly changed, one strong jet instead of 3 batch jets on Oct. 26/27.
2007-Oct 27Saturday
Comet Holmes: like a pig

I spent a whole day on processing the thousands image that the Lulin Ritchey-Chretien taken on Oct. 25/26. Finally the result is out. But I don’t get much happier — Huan said he has found a way to find out what cause the outburst — well, I must do something on this, too. Now I plan to join the CARA project to measure the dust production rate of Comet Holmes. Tomorrow’s mission…
Ok let’s focus on our baby. Comet Holmes just keep grown like a pig. But the jets are fantistic, it’s my first time to get such a nice image of inner coma of a comet! And I’d like to bring your attention to the color. It’s still green on Oct. 25 but is redder on 26th. Spectrum observations are needed…
2007-Oct 27Saturday
17P: the comet that shocks astronomy world

17P/Holmes was only a 16mag. faint object in the sky by Octo.20, but observations on Octo.24/25 showed it has brighten by ~1 mega scale, to ~2.0mag.! We could say it’s the first time in history that the comet brings us such a big big shock. I took thousands images of Comet Holmes over Octo.24, 25 and 26, by the Lulin Sky Survey 0.41-m Ritchey-Cherien telescope. I’ve just finished processing of 126 data points on late Octo.25, here is the result:
Note the varied, strong jets from the nulie of the comet, dark spots also come out from the Log/FFT proceed snapshot.
By the way, I caught it with naked eye on late Octo.26, at mag.~3.2. I’ll continue mortoning on that boy to see what’ll come up. Stay turn for updates.
2007-Oct 1Monday

2007-Aug 6Monday
[F.W.] A comet of cooperation

Earlier this month a newspaper reported a discovery by professional star-gazer Lin Chi-sheng of the Lulin Observatory in Nantou, Taiwan. Lin had discovered (Comet) C/2007-N3 — a massive lump of ice and rock “kilometers” in diameter. On Feb. 27, 2009, the comet is scheduled for a near earth fly-by, getting as close as 60 million kilometers away from our planet and becoming visible to the unaided human eye. The newspaper went on to claim that this discovery was the first such find by local astronomers — and that Taiwan is now “on the map” in the global astronomical community.
We salute Lin Chi-sheng and congratulate the entire team at the Lulin Observatory in the central county of Nantou on the discovery of the “Lulin Comet.” The patience and devotion required for thousands upon thousands of hours of sky-watching — mostly without reward — is highly commendable. But, it would be nice if we gave full credit where credit is due.
Many in Taiwan cheered the news of a local find. The tone of the report and even the headline of the newspaper article were filled with nationalist sentiment, “Local Star-Gazer Discovers Comet,” it declared. But buried a bit toward the back of the report came a surprising detail: the find would not have happened without the aid of Taiwan’s arch-rival mainland China.
Astronomers from China and Taiwan have increased collaboration in recent years. Since many observatories in China do not possess as high-powered telescopes as we have in Taiwan, Chinese astronomers do their part in a deal of cooperation by selecting areas of the sky for the Nantou-based Lulin Observatory to watch and photograph. Lin himself actually told reporters it was Chinese participants who first detected the “Lulin Comet” and a smaller near-earth asteroid (NEA) in the photographs.
The highlight of this story is one of successful collaboration. For once, Taiwan and China set aside their half-century old political dispute and worked together to actually assist humankind. This wonderful story of cooperation, however, was mainly lost in the self-congratulatory tone of the local media.
Instead of trumpeting the help of the Chinese, some local papers buried the China connection at the end of the article and did not include this info in headlines or decks. It would seem disingenuous for the Taiwan reports to label the find as “local” when the reality is that without major Chinese help, the discovery would never have been made.
A mature person working on a problem welcomes all whose ideas contribute to a solution, and upon finding one, dishes out praise accordingly and unstintingly. So should it be with mature nations. As the planet shrinks ever smaller under the effects of globalization, cooperation and collaboration will become the watchwords of the future, not individualism or jingoism. Taiwan’s media should endeavor to praise cooperation and refrain from downplaying the contributions of others.
– China Post, August 1st, http://www.chinapost.com.tw/editorial/2007/08/02/116720/A-comet.htm
Well, there will be always the right persons and the heaven who know the truth, an interesting story always have some odd things. Comet of Politic may be a better name than Comet Lulin. Those are not important, personally, I’m happy to see they call me “astronomer”
2006-Dec 27Wednesday

2006-Jul 22Saturday
Lulin server down for one week

The server of Lulin is down and will be recovered in a week. During this time, most functions of Realtime Lulin will not be available.
2006-Jul 12Wednesday

Lulin Sky Survey Electronic Circular No. 27
[email protected]
URL http://luss.y234.cn/
Issued 2006 July 12, 1:54 UT
Potential Near-Earth Asteroid QY67872, which was discovered by H. C. Lin and Q. Ye on July 7, was removed from Near-Earth Object Confirmation Page of Minor Planet Center as a \”not-confirmed object\”.
The object is moving very quickly and it\’s close to the full moon, and was not able to follow-up by Lulin Sky Survey and other sky surveies.
#LUSS Designation Discovered date (UT) Discoverer(s)
66 2006 NS July 6, 2006 H. C. Lin, Q. Ye
#LUSS Designation Principal
63 2006 MP13 2002 PJ10
The \”New discoveries\” annoucement in LUSSEC 26 has mistakes, the LUSS numbers are wrong. It should be numbered as following. My apologize for this.
#LUSS Designation Discovered date (UT) Discoverer(s)
64 2006 MP14 June 30, 2006 C. S. Lin, Q. Ye
65(*) 2006 NR July 4, 2006 C. S. Lin, Q. Ye
(*) Credit change to 2002 VO113.
Quanzhi Ye (C) Copyright 2006 Lulin Sky Survey LUSSEC 27
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