Last updated: Dec. 14, 2008
- 男生
- 中山大学大气科学系本科生
- 广东天文学会会员
- 广东南十字星会会员
- 中国彗星与流星资讯网第一执行官
- 晴天钟项目负责人
- 鹿林巡天项目负责人
Quanzhi is...
- a boy
- a undergraduate student of the Department of Atmospheric Science, Sun Yat-sen University
- a member of Guangdong Astronomical Society
- a founding member of Guangdong Southern-Cross Stars Association
- the webmaster of China Meteor's & Comet's Network
- the developer of 7Timer!
- the principal investigator of Lulin Sky Survey
- 欣赏苍穹之美,也在努力将来拥有一份这一领域的工作
- 欣赏古典音乐,演奏小提琴、爱尔兰竖笛,写曲,吟诗作赋
- 游泳,打乒乓球,足球
- 与电脑有关的东西
- 读万卷书,行万里路
Quanzhi loves...
- enjoy the beauties of starry night, working hard to be a professional in this field
- enjoy classical music, play violin and recorder, compose music, poem and verse
- swim, pingpong, soccer
- anything related to computer, including computer games
- reading and travelling
- 叶泉志,狮王宝刀未老——2009年狮子座流星雨预测通报及未来展望,《天文爱好者》,2009(1):已接收
- 叶泉志,Haumea传奇,《天文爱好者》,2008(11):p.60-63
- 小龙*,东疆追日札记,《天文爱好者》,2008(11):p.48-49
- 叶泉志,游历澳洲天文之都Coonabarabran与Siding Spring天文台,《天文爱好者》,2008(5):p.78-83
- 小龙*,斯壮罗山天文台游记,《天文爱好者》,2008(5):p.77
- 叶泉志,彗星“彩票”中奖杂谈,《天文爱好者》,2007(11):p.18-21
- 叶泉志,走近“泛星”,《天文爱好者》,2007(7):p.14-15
- 叶泉志,搜星大攻略,《科学世界》,2007(6):p.90-93
- 叶泉志,小行星新新谈,《天文爱好者》,2007(3):p.52-56
- 叶泉志,鹿林巡天,《台北星空》,Vol.34:p.14-19
- 叶泉志,天体测量轻松学,《天文爱好者》,2006(10):p.22-25
- 叶泉志,蔡-吕超新星发现记,《天文爱好者》,2006(9):p.6-9
- 叶泉志,我如何发现的小行星,《天文爱好者》,2006(7):p.27-30
- 叶泉志,2004年度风云彗星,《天文爱好者》,2005(3):p.22-23
- 小龙*,2005年流星雨前瞻,《天文爱好者》,2005(1):p.16
- 叶泉志,即将到来的英仙座流星暴雨,《天文爱好者》,2004(7):p.13 [全文]
- 叶泉志,2004年双大彗星观测指南,《都市星空》,2004(5):p.4-5 [全文]
- 小龙*,玩转彗星网站,《天文爱好者》,2004(3):p.18-19 [全文]
- 小龙·哈勃*、猎星人、绿衣,等待流星雨,《户外探险》,2003(12):p.78-82 [全文]
- 叶泉志,2003年狮子座流星雨新极大预报,《都市星空》,2003(4):p.45 [全文]
- 叶泉志,一个难忘的天文之夜,《小学生报》,1997-10
- 叶泉志,我观测了月全食,《小学生报》,1997-10
- *:小龙、小龙·哈勃为本人笔名。
Publications for popularization of science
- A few dozens articles published on Chinese magazines, such as "Amatuer Astronomer", "Taipei Skylight" and "Newton".
科研文献 - Publication on scientific research
- Quanzhi Ye, Liaoshan Shi, Wing-Huen Ip, and Hung-Chin Lin (2009). "Multi-color Photometry of 1998 BE7" Minor Planet Bull. 36 (IN PRESS)
- Ye, Q.-z., Lin, H.-C., Lin, C. S., Shih, C.-y. (2008). "Lulin Sky Survey", Lulin Observatory Annual Report 5, 58
- Holmes, R., Foglia, S., Ye, Q.-z., Young, J., Guido, E., and Sostero, G. (2007). "Comet C/2007 W3 (LINEAR)" IAUC 8901
- Ye, Q.-z., and Young, J. W. (2007). "Comet C/2007 S2 (Lemmon)" IAUC 8876
- Gilmore, C., Sarneczky, K., Kiss, L. L., Ye, Q.-z., and Lin, C.-S. (2007). "Comet P/2007 Q2 (Gilmore)" IAUC 8865
- Ye, Q.-z. (2007). "Comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin)" IAUC 8857
- Ye, Q.-z., Ries, J. G., Sostero, G., Donato, L., Gonano, M., Gonano, V., and Guido, E. (2007). "Comet C/2007 JA21 (LINEAR)" IAUC 8837
- Lin, H.-C., Lin, C.-S., Ye, Q.-z., Sostero, G., Guido, E., Durig, D. T., and O'Farrell, W. R. (2007). "Comet P/2007 C2 (Catalina)" IAUC 8806
- Ye, Q.-z. (2007). "Lulin Sky Survey", Lulin Observatory Annual Report 4, 65-66
- 叶泉志,流星雨的起源、预报与观测暨2009年日全食前瞻,中山大学,2008-12
- 叶泉志,Small Solar System Bodies and their exploration,深圳市光明高级中学,2008-07
- 叶泉志,Small Solar System Bodies and their exploration,华南农业大学,2008-05
- 叶泉志,Small Solar System Bodies and their exploration,中山大学,2008-04
- 叶泉志,彗星、小行星与流星雨,广州市第七中学,2007-12
- 叶泉志,彗星、小行星与流星雨,中山大学,2006-12
- 叶泉志,小行星漫谈,佛山科学馆,2005-10
- 叶泉志,流星雨观测与双子座流星雨,广州大学城,2004-12[演讲稿]
- 叶泉志,我有一个梦想,华阳小学,1999-10
- 叶泉志,我如何做起天文来,华阳小学,1998-11
Workshops and talks
- Ye, Q.-z., Origin, prediction, and observing technique of meteor showers, plus preview of the 2009 total solar eclipse, Sun Yat-sen University, 2008-12
- Ye, Q.-z., Small Solar System Bodies and their exploration, Shenzhen Guangming High School, 2008-07
- Ye, Q.-z., Small Solar System Bodies and their exploration, South China Agricultural University, 2008-05
- Ye, Q.-z., Small Solar System Bodies and their exploration, Sun Yat-sen University, 2008-04
- Q.-z. Ye, Comets, asteroids and meteor showers, Guangzhou No.7 Middle School, 2007-12
- Q.-z. Ye, Comets, asteroids and meteor showers, Sun Yat-sen University, 2006-12
- Q.-z. Ye, Asteroids, Foshan Science Building, 2005-10
- Q.-z. Ye, Meteor shower, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, 2004-12[PPT]
- Q.-z. Ye, I have a dream, Huayang Primary School, 1999-10
- Q.-z. Ye, How do I begin on astronomy, Huayang Primary School, 1998-11
- 获得者 | 2007年“中国优秀共青团员”称号 | 2008-05
- 获得者 | 2007年“广东十大新闻人物”称号 | 2008-01
- 一等奖 | 第十届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品大赛 | 2007-11 天津
- 获奖者 | 第四届中国青少年科技创新奖 | 2007-08 北京
- 特等奖 | 第九届“挑战杯”广东省大学生课外学术科技作品大赛 | 2007-05 广州
- 一等奖 | 2007年中山大学“挑战杯”课外学术科技作品大赛 | 2007-04 广州
- 候选者 | “广东骄傲·五年新闻人物”称号 | 2007-04
- 获奖者 | 2007年尤金·苏梅克近地天体奖 | 2007-03
- 国际地理协会议长奖(银奖) | 第十四届北海道国际地图竞赛 | 2004-10 日本·旭川
- 三等奖 | 2004年中国天文奥林匹克竞赛 | 2004-05 北京
- 参与奖 | 第八届国际天文奥林匹克竞赛 | 2003-10 瑞典·斯德哥尔摩
- 三等奖 | 2003年中国天文奥林匹克竞赛 | 2003-07 北京
- Recipient | 2007 Best CYL Members of China | 2008-05
- Recipient | 2007 Top 10 News Person of Guangdong | 2008-01
- First Prize | Xth Challenger Cup (Science and Technology) of China | 2007-11 Tianjin, China
- Recipient | IVth Science and Technology Innovation Award for Chinese Youth | 2007-08 Beijing, China
- Supreme Prize | IXth Challenger Cup (Science and Technology) of Guangdong Province | 2007-05 Guangzhou, China
- First Prize | Sun Yat-sen University Challenger Cup 2007 | 2007-04 Guangzhou, China
- Candidate | Honor of Guangdong - News Person in Five Years | 2007-04
- Recipient | 2007 Gene Shoemaker NEO Grant | 2007-03
- Silver Medal | XIVth Hokkaido International Map-design Competition | 2004-10 Asahikawa, Japan
- Bronze Medal | Chinese Astronomical Olympic 2004 | 2004-05 Beijing, China
- Participant Award | VIIIth International Astronomical Olympic | 2003-10 Stockholm, Sweden
- Bronze Medal | Chinese Astronomical Olympic 2003 | 2003-07 Beijing, China
- 132825号“始祖茂”[资料]
- 142106号“叶能顺”[资料]
- 145523号“鹿林”[资料]
- 145534号“中大”[资料]
- 145545号“温世仁”[资料]
- 145546号“广州七中”[资料]
- 147918号“嘉义”[资料]
- 151362号“陈克攻”[资料]
- 160493号“南投”[资料]
- 161715号“汶川”[资料]
- 168126号“郑崇华”[资料]
- 175586号“鄒”[资料]
- 185554号“比库舍夫”[资料]
Named minor planets
- (132825) Shizu-Mao [Info]
- (142106) Nengshun [Info]
- (145523) Lulin [Info]
- (145534) Jhongda [Info]
- (145545) Wensayling [Info]
- (145546) Suiqizhong [Info]
- (147918) Chiayi [Info]
- (151362) Chenkegong [Info]
- (160493) Nantou [Info]
- (168126) Chengbruce [Info]
- (175586) Tsou [Info]
- (185554) Bikushev [Info]
- Analyses of meteor activities over China
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